

Glorious Saint Joseph, beloved patron of our parish, we implore your protection and blessing upon this community of disciples. In you, we bear witness to our ultimate calling as a community: to serve as earthly links to heavenly hope. Help us always to put this duty above our natural inclinations. Direct our words and deeds so that Saint Joseph Parish may always and forever, like you, exist to bring Christ into the world, making God known, loved, and served. Amen.

Blessed Basil Moreau

Blessed Basil Moreau, C.S.C., founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, was committed to the glory of God and the sanctification of souls. This occupied his thoughts and inspired his deeds. He burned with the desire to accomplish the work of God. This was his zeal.

“Zeal is the great desire to make God known, loved, and served, and thus to bring knowledge of salvation to others” (Christian Education).

To be zealous for mission according to the example of Father Moreau is to burn with love for Christ and His Church. It is to place the good of others before one’s own. It is the way of self-sacrifice and of holy desire.

Saint Joseph Parish is a vibrant community rooted in Catholic faith and stewarded by the religious of the Congregation of Holy Cross. Here, we seek to follow the model of Moreau and develop a burning desire to serve others in His name!

A Stewardship Way of Life

As the Body of Christ, we the faithful are called to be Christian stewards who receive God's gifts gratefully, cherish and tend them in a responsible and accountable manner, share them in justice and love with others, and return them with increase to the Lord.

Saint Joseph parishioners are encouraged to prayerfully discern how they can live a stewardship way of life through prayer, service, and sacrificial giving both in our parish community and in their own lives. Our Director of Stewardship works to provide opportunities for parishioners to take part in the various ministries, committees, events, and service opportunities in our church, school, and community. If you ever have any questions or need any guidance, please reach out!


At Saint Joseph Parish, the Eucharist is the "source and summit" of the Christian life. We gather together, in the presence of Christ our Lord, at the altar for our weekend liturgies where we welcome families, our school children, the young, and the old. Good music, prayerful presiding, and a desire to be with the Living God make our Masses true sacrifices of praise.

Saint Joseph offers a wide range of opportunities for worship and prayer, including Masses every day, Eucharistic Holy Hour on Saturday mornings, the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Saturday Holy Hour, as well as other prayer services and faith-sharing groups throughout the year. All are welcome to become a part of our worship community here at Saint Joseph!


There are countless ways to contribute to the parish and to our neighbors in need through stewardship of service. You can serve by helping with sacramental formation, participating in a liturgical ministry, supporting the community life of our parish, reaching out to the marginalized or those in need, and so much more! Browse through our menus above to learn about ways to serve, or reach out to our Director of Stewardship.

Sacrificial Giving

We give to Saint Joseph Catholic Church & School because we believe in our mission: "To deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ and to grow as a faith community by making God known, loved, and served." Thank you for your generosity. We encourage you to be intentional in praying about your stewardship of sacrificial giving.


Tim Cleaver

Director of Stewardship

574-234-3134, ext. 122

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