Sacrificial Giving

Sacrificial Giving

We give to Saint Joseph Catholic Church & School because we believe in our mission: "To deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ and to grow as a faith community by making God known, loved, and served."

Thank you for your generosity. We encourage you to be intentional in praying about your stewardship of prayer, service, and sacrificial giving.

Opportunities for Sacrificial Giving

Online Giving offers convenience and flexibility for managing giving to the parish. It is great for parish planning and great for your family’s planning! No need to bring checks or envelopes to church with you. Get started now at For questions, contact Mrs. Carolyn Gibbs at or 574-234-3134, ext. 119.

If you are a registered parishioner, you can also request to receive offertory envelopes in the mail each month. You can drop them in the basket at Mass or mail them to the parish.

Support Our Parish School

Parishioners are invited to support Catholic education in our parish by contributing to the SJGS Excellence Fund and various fundraisers such as our biennial auction or annual For the Kids Golf Benefit. For more information, contact Mr. Tim Cleaver at or 574-234-3134, ext. 122.


An SGO is a portal for Catholic school students to be eligible for an Indiana School Choice Scholarship (a voucher). Donations made to the SGO fund, administered by Scholarship Granting Organization of Northeast Indiana, through the diocese, will come directly back to Saint Joseph Grade School. A donation toward an SGO award generates a 50% state tax credit for both individual and business donors. For questions, contact Mrs. Carolyn Gibbs at or 574-234-3134, ext. 119.

Support the Buildings & Maintenance Collection

In the fall of 2019, the parish undertook a $250,000 project to replace failing boilers in the church and school. Contributions to our Buildings & Maintenance Collection will help fund projects such as these as well as numerous other facilities upgrades and maintenance needs at our parish. Thank you for your support!

Planned Giving: Saint Joseph the Worker Guild
Please also consider remembering Saint Joseph Parish in your will or estate. The 
Saint Joseph the Worker Guild is a society of parishioners and friends of Saint Joseph Parish who include our parish in their planned giving, helping to secure the future of our parish for generations to come.

Bishop's Appeal

Join us in supporting the Annual Bishop's Appeal. Give online at the linked ABA website or simply send a check to Saint Joseph Parish with "Bishop's Appeal" written in the memo. Any donations that exceed our annual parish goal will be returned to the parish to support our own ministry needs.

Special Collections

Throughout the year, Saint Joseph Parish offers the opportunity to give in charity to special collections in fellowship with other parishes across the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. Look for announcement of these opportunities in our weekly bulletins. Saint Joseph Parish also offers opportunities to give at any time to local charitable organizations with which we partner, such as our Haiti Twinning Ministry, St. Vincent de Paul, Hope Ministries, Our Lady of the Road, and Walking with Moms in Need.

Financial Reports

Saint Joseph Catholic Church strives to practice good Christian stewardship of all donations we receive from our parishioners and friends in the community. Please see our annual reports for more information about our parish finances and stewardship.

2023-2024 Annual Report
2022-2023 Annual Report

2021-2022 Annual Report

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I determine how much to give to the church?

The Catholic Church does not have a set percentage that it requires of all parishioners. Tithing ten percent comes from the story of Abraham and Melchizedek in Hebrews 7. The Church has always suggested that individuals and families prayerfully discern God’s gifts and how they wish to give back. A common practice is setting aside a percentage of your income and giving part of it to the parish and part to other charitable organizations. Most importantly, remember that all our blessings are from God, and we are given the opportunity to pray over how we will choose to steward these gifts, which will look different for every individual and family. Feel free to contact anyone on staff if you'd like to discern this question in conversation with another, and let us know if you have any questions any time.


Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes. We will send you a statement detailing all contributions to the parish for that year.


What if I am just visiting?
Everyone is welcome to make a donation via cash or check or 
online giving at any time. Donations can be sent to our parish office at 711 E. Colfax Ave., South Bend, IN 46617.


If you have any questions, never hesitate to contact us!

Saint Joseph Parish Office

711 E. Colfax Ave. 
South Bend, IN 46617

Offertory Giving & SGO

Carolyn Gibbs
Director of Business Operations

574-234-3134, ext. 119


SJGS Excellence Fund & Campaigns

Tim Cleaver

Director of Stewardship

574-234-3134, ext. 122

To register as a parishioner or questions about receiving envelopes:
Julie Hallenius
Parish Secretary

574-234-3134, ext. 110

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