Be Formed

Catholic Formation & Education

The mind will not be cultivated at the expense of the heart. While we prepare useful citizens for society, we shall likewise do our utmost to prepare citizens for heaven. —Blessed Basil Moreau, C.S.C.

Faith Formation

The Church's catechetical mission aims to help the faithful of all ages to grow in both human and Christian maturity, enriching the whole of life with the leaven of the Gospel. The goal is for the faithful to be completely and permanently harmonized with the mind and actions of Christ, acting and thinking instinctively as Christ does.

Faith formation offers, over time, a comprehensive and systematic presentation and exploration of the core elements of Catholic faith and practice—a complete initiation into a Catholic way of life. It does so in a way that is accessible and relates to life experiences, helping the faithful to form a Christian conscience and to live their lives in the world as faithful disciples of Jesus.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops shares three major goals to guide and direct efforts in faith formation:

  1. Invite and Enable Ongoing Conversion to Jesus in Holiness of Life.
  2. Promote and Support Active Membership in the Christian Community.
  3. Call and Prepare Adults to Act as Disciples in Mission to the World.

Saint Joseph Parish offers you a community to help you grow in your faith. Whether you are new to the faith or have been practicing your entire life or are somewhere outside or in between, we seek to meet you where you are in your faith and help take you one step closer to Christ.

Saint Joseph Parish's Christian Formation Commission collaborates with other parish commissions in the work of building within Saint Joseph Parish a transforming community that continually seeks to both point to and embody the Kingdom of God. The commission seeks to assist all of our parishioners in their continuing formation in the Christian life.

Learn more about Faith Formation at Saint Joseph Parsish.

Catholic Education for Children

Saint Joseph Grade School

As a part of our parish's mission of making God known, loved, and served through worship, service, and education, Saint Joseph Grade School (SJGS) is one of the most important ministries that we offer. We believe that in providing a strong education for our young people, by shaping hearts and minds in the Holy Cross tradition, we are cultivating fertile soil in which the Lord can plant the seeds of insight and wisdom that will grow and flourish for the next generation.

Founded in 1854 by Fr. Edward Sorin, C.S.C., SJGS continues a tradition of excellence in educating hearts and minds in the Holy Cross tradition, making God known, loved, and served. Named a National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education in 2011 and 2019, SJGS prepares students to succeed academically in high school and beyond while being attentive to the children's spiritual and moral growth.

Saint Joseph Preschool

Saint Joseph Parish is committed to providing high quality preschool programming that advances our mission of educating hearts and minds in the Holy Cross tradition. Saint Joseph Preschool is a developmentally appropriate early childhood center focusing on creating the excellence in education with which Saint Joseph is synonymous. Opened in the fall of 2013, the preschool provides full and half day options for children aged three to five years. Our facilities are located in the Ackles Parish Life Center at 711 East Colfax Avenue in South Bend.

Saint Joseph Preschool is a Level 4 provider in the Paths to QUALITY™ early care and education rating program for the State of Indiana. Level 4 is the top rating a program can earn, after having demonstrated a commitment to the highest level of professionalism in quality early care and education — achievement of a nationally recognized accreditation. Saint Joseph Preschool is a nationally accredited early learning program through AdvancED.

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