Councils & Commissions

Councils & Commissions

Saint Joseph Parish is a vibrant and welcoming church and school community rooted in the Catholic faith. We invite you to participate in ways you feel called. Active membership and participation in our Christian community promotes an ongoing conversion to Jesus in holiness of life and prepares us to act as disciples in mission to the world. There are many ways to get involved!


The commissions of Saint Joseph assist and advise the pastor and pastoral team. Each commission concentrates on a different aspect of our lives as followers of Christ and as a church community. Here at Saint Joseph, we consider the work that our commissions and volunteers do to be ministries of our parish. They sponsor committees and programs and help to sustain the mission of the parish by providing opportunities for participation and fellowship within the community. The commissions include the Liturgy Commission, the Christian Formation Commission, the Community Life Commission, and the Christian Action Commission.

Finance Council

The Finance Council consists of parishioners who are experts in the fields of finance, business, and accountancy. The council advises the pastor on financial matters of the parish, conducts an annual budget review, and advises the pastor and Director of Business Operations in the creation of an annual financial report for the parish.

Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council continually reviews and evaluates all the activities through which the parish community strives to fulfill the goals that support the mission of the parish. Working in an advisory capacity, the council assists the pastor in providing leadership for parish ministries, programs, and activities. Membership on the Pastoral Council consists of the pastor as ex officio member; laypersons elected through a discernment process who serve staggered three-year terms; and a representative from parish commissions. The council elects officers. Parish Pastoral Council Bylaws >

School Advisory Board

The School Advisory Board is established in accordance with diocesan policy to assist the pastor and principal in the governance of Saint Joseph Grade School. The functions of the School Advisory Board are to provide planning and coordination with other organizations in the school and the parish; develop and implement administrative policies for the school in conformity with diocesan policy and Indiana state law; develop plans and means for the acquisition of funds in conjunction with the parish; develop and assist in implementing a plan for presenting a positive image for the school and its mission; and evaluate the effectiveness of the operation of the school.

Operations Ministries

Operations ministries assist the pastor in the areas of technology, development & marketing, and buildings & grounds. Members of these ministries study the resources and physical and financial needs of the parish, prepare project budget proposals, and advise the pastor and Pastoral Council. General office volunteers help with such duties as managing the reception desk in the Parish Center during lunch hour and staff vacations.

If you would like to learn more about supporting Saint Joseph Parish in these ministries, please contact the pastor.


Rev. Matt Fase, C.S.C.


574-234-3134, ext. 116

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