Liturgical Ministry

Liturgical Ministry

“In the celebration of Mass the faithful form a holy people, a people whom God has made his own, a royal priesthood, so that they may give thanks to God and offer the spotless Victim not only through the hands of the priests but also together with him, and so that they may learn to offer themselves.” -General Instruction to the Roman Missal, no. 95

We are called to worship God by virtue of our baptism. On Sundays we come together to praise God, to pray for the needs of the world, to be fed by the holy Scripture, to receive Christ in the Eucharist, and to take Christ out to the world. Our baptismal call also manifests itself in the mandate to serve others and to use our gifts to glorify God.

Volunteers in the areas of music and liturgy are engaged not only as volunteers of their time and talent, but as ministers.  Ministers are needed in a variety of areas. We invite you to explore the opportunities below and contact our Director of Music & Liturgy to learn more or get involved.

Ministry Scheduling

We use Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP) to schedule all of our liturgical ministers. MSP has an online component, which allows ministers to input their serving preferences including dates that they are unable to serve, preferred Masses, and family scheduling options. Ministers can also request subs online if they are unable to serve when scheduled. (If you forget your MSP username or password, please contact the Director of Music & Liturgy.)


Theresa Slott

Director of Music & Liturgy

574-234-3134, ext. 115

  • Altar Servers

    Serving at the table of the Lord is an important and wonderful way that people young and old can assist in the Eucharist -- the source and summit of our life as Christians. When done with reverence, respect, and attention, as the Pope suggests, this can be a wonderful service to our faith community and indeed an act of love that draws the server closer to God. 

    Training sessions will pay special attention to the theology and "why" of what we do while serving at Mass because altar serving is much, much more than being at the right spot at the right time with the right stuff.

    Altar Serving at Saint Joseph is open to boys and girls beginning at 5th grade who belong to the parish. Experienced servers are encouraged to continue serving as high schoolers, college students (if in town), and beyond.

    To be an altar server, a child must:

    1. Have received First Communion
    2. Be in grade 5 or above
    3. Demonstrate reverence for Christ's Body and Blood, and for the Mass
    4. Attend Sunday Mass at Saint Joseph Church regularly
    5. Attend all required training sessions and demonstrate proficiency in training material
    6. Consistently fulfill his/her altar serving duties (including being on time)

    Please keep in mind that being an altar server is not for everyone. It is not a public statement of your child’s holiness nor a statement of your parenting ability. It is one important way (of many!) of participating in the Mass. Parents are encouraged to pray with their child to discern if God is calling him/her to be an altar server. You may find this prayer helpful:

    Loving God, we know that there are many ways to serve You and Your people. We ask for Your Holy Spirit to come upon [name of child] to help him/her discern the ministry of altar server. If it be for Your glory, dispose his/her mind and heart to this important ministry and use his/her gifts to help the Saint Joseph community pray the Mass well. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

    Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are trained lay ministers who assist the priest (the ordinary minister) in the distribution of the Eucharist during Mass. Extraordinary Ministers may distribute the Body and/or the Blood according to their preference. Ministers who distribute the Body and assist in cleaning and storing the sacramental vessels after mass are Stewards. This ministry is open to fully initiated high school students and adults.

    New Ministers need to attend one training session offered at Saint Joseph before participating in this ministry.

    Returning Extraordinary Ministers are required to attend one formation event such as a retreat annually in order to remain qualified for this ministry. The Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend renews the Extraordinary Ministers’ mandate annually on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi.

  • Ministers of Hospitality

    Ministers of Hospitality are instrumental in making Saint Joseph a warm and welcoming place for everyone who enters our doors, parishioners and non-parishioners alike. Ministers of Hospitality greet the faithful as they enter and assist them in finding seats. During the liturgy they assist in collecting the monetary offering and make sure someone is present to offer the gifts of bread and wine during the Offertory Procession. After Mass they distribute bulletins, straighten up the pews, and store the worship aids when needed.

    All new Hospitality Ministers should contact the Director of Music and Liturgy to set up an individual training session. These typically happen during the Mass time that you normally attend with experienced Hospitality Ministers who can walk you through the liturgy and the responsibilities.

  • Ministers of the Word

    Ministers of the Word are trained lay people who proclaim the sacred Scripture at Mass with skill, reverence and understanding. Ministers of the Word carry the Book of the Gospels in the Entrance Procession, proclaim the First and Second Readings, and lead the Prayer of the Faithful. Lay people engage in this ministry in the absence of a deacon.

    New Ministers of the Word are required to attend one training session offered at Saint Joseph before engaging in the ministry. The Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend requests that all Ministers of the Word attend a spiritual formation event, such as a retreat, annually.

    Are you a Minister of the Word and still need a Lector Workbook? This workbook contains the readings for mass as well as commentary and helpful tips for proclaiming the Word. Contact the Director of Music and Liturgy to obtain a Workbook.

  • Music Ministry

    Music ministers gift the church with their talent and skill in their instruments, as an aid to congregational song in the liturgy. Singers and instrumentalists serve at weekend masses and as members of ensembles on special feast days. Read below about all of the opportunities to serve as a music minister at Saint Joseph.


    Cantors are lay singers who lead the congregation in song while inviting full participation by everyone present. The cantor proclaims the Responsorial Psalm as Psalmist, as well as the songs, hymns, and sacred texts of the liturgy. Cantors are responsible for preparing ahead of time the liturgical music for a given liturgical celebration. Cantors are encouraged to contact the Director of Music and Liturgy for help with the spiritual or musical preparation for any Masses.


    The Adult Choir is directed by the Director of Music and Liturgy. Choir members sing at the 10:00am Sunday Mass and other major parish events. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings 7:00-8:30pm in the church from September through May. All are welcome, from beginners to experienced singers. The choir is open to high school students.


    The Saint Joseph Children’s Choir consists of the choruses from Saint Joseph Grade School, as well as interested children from the parish. The Children’s Choir sings for a variety of special liturgies, including the Sunday kicking off Catholic Schools Week, Advent Lessons and Carols, Christmas Eve, and Holy Thursday.


    Instrumentalists are invited to play at whichever Mass they normally attend. Masses are scheduled on Saturday at 5:00pm, and Sunday at 8:00am, 10:00am, and 5:00pm. All are welcome, from beginners to experienced players.

  • Prayer of the Faithful Writers

    At each of our Eucharistic celebrations, we raise up our prayers and petitions to the Lord that he might hear the cry of his people. At Saint Joseph Parish, a group of trained parishioners compose these petitions to our Lord each week so that it may truly be the "prayer of the faithful."

    Writers are provided guidelines for format and content. Workshops for writers are provided on an annual basis as needed.

  • Liturgy Commission

    The Liturgy Commission of Saint Joseph Parish shapes the liturgical life of the worshiping community. We focus on the liturgical ministries, assist the Director of Liturgy and Music in planning, discussing, and preparing for liturgies throughout the liturgical year, and we work toward the goal of providing liturgies that are hospitable and invite people to pray well.

    The Commission meets monthly. All parishioners are welcome; liturgical experience is not a requirement.

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